The Fish enriched water can be used to water your indoor/outdoor plants to give them an organic boost, or keeps your take-home greens fresher longer. 

This water is from our certified organic Aquaponic system. The Fish enriched water contains all the same nutrients and nitrifying bacteria that feed our system. 

Ready to Use:

  • Vegetable and Flower Seedlings water with Fish Enriched Water once weekly until planting. 

  • When planting seedlings, first soak seedlings with water then add up to 30ml of Fish Enriched Water to seedling. 

  • House Plants: monthly up to 1/4 cup for average house plants. 

  • Keep out of direct sunlight. DO NOT DRINK 

Canada Organic | Aquaponics

Bottle Return Program

To refill your bottle return it to the farm and your next bottle will be 50% offÂ